Pain relief

I have worked with people in pain for many years and the one common thread with chronic pain is we aren't aware of how debilitating it has been until we feel relief.

I woke up this morning thinking about the power of the Pacific Ocean. I can feel the pull of the waves, taste the salt, and hear the gentle course and unambiguous crash of the waves. My very next thought was about letting go. I could let the waves wash over me and with their primordial rhythm take away everything that no longer serves me.

The evolution of Self is a process. This process happens quickly at times like unrolling a cinnamon bun and other times it is a slow process like peeling layers of an onion. There are many occasions when we think we have just finished with a specific lesson and it cycles back to us in a deeper way to allow us to shed more of our ego and move closer to our authentic self.

Pain is an agent of change. When pain is ignored long enough we develop coping mechanisms to LIVE with whatever is causing us pain. Individuals with back pain may start to stoop and compensate for their muscular discomfort. Emotional and psychological pain is really no different. We feel pain and adapt, learn to cope, suck it up, ignore it or medicate it.

Our culture encourages us to medicate with food, alcohol, drugs (pharmaceuticals to start), clothes, sex, exercise, work, you name it and we can use it and try to numb our feelings. There comes a time when we have had enough of just coping, faking it until we make it. We recognize that our lives have spun out of control and we want to change our mal-adaptive coping behaviors. The reality that we fear the most is we must still deal with the pain and its source. This subjective fear keeps most of us trapped in cycles of abuse and addiction.

I know this scenario seems hopeless. So many people would agree and that is the crux of the problem. We have been lead to cope based on our fear of healing. The devil you know is better than the devil you don't, right?

WRONG! Sometimes letting go can be easier than we can imagine. There is some planning involved in order to nurture the wound left behind and develop more effective positive coping skills. There are people and organizations, self help books, and seminars you can attend if you think you need professional help. I encourage you to be brave enough to start with going into nature. The place that pulls you, that you feel most at home. Go there and ask yourself, "what can I let go of"?

I assure you the answer will come but don't fight for it. Don't over think it. It's okay if the answer doesn't come immediately. Keep going back and eventually the answers will come. I also assure you that you will be amazed at the relief you will feel. We can not realize how overwhelming pain is and how it has impacted every nook and corner of our lives until it is lifts.

Here's to your wealth, love, and happiness.


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