My life is evolving in amazing ways and I couldn't be more excited or terrified. I have finally embraced my single life. I am no longer grasping at men or relationships that are like cotton candy; tastes great but too much will give me a cavity and put me in a diabetic coma. Either way, not good for my health. I have thought long and hard about the friends that I try to hold on to and why I should let them go. I feel more sexually empowered now than I have at any time in my life. I believe it will take a very special person to appreciate all I can offer. Mere mortals may explode from the intensity!

I have a new appreciation for my body. My Asana practice has tapered a bit but I have started CrossFit. I have learned that the extra skin that I have been carrying around has served it's purpose and is now teaching me to appreciate how far I have come. My diet has been lax, but that will change as I explore my internal landscape more intimately.

I did not plan to return to corporate work and I never really expected to return to working with people struggling with addiction. With that said, I accepted a new job as the Yoga/Massage "expert" at a local recovery center. I have grown and changed so much from the person I was seven years ago when I worked with the recovering population. I have a completely different approach and philosophy in life. This company's approach to patient care focuses on a strength awareness as opposed to focusing on the patient's deficits.

It's so important to take a look in the rear view once in a while just to see how far you have come. I know it is true for me. Looking back, I don't recognize the woman from just three years ago. The woman that lives inside of my head today has a different set of values and holds different things nearer to her heart.

I cry when I feel sad, I honor my anger as a warning that something isn't kosher in my life. I speak up for myself without walking all over other people. I honor where I live and I dream.

I dream BIG because I know that thoughts have power. They fuel the choices we make and they dictate our perspective in all situations. I dream BIG and look for the silver lining because I choose my thoughts and I choose happiness. Life is all about choices and as adults we know we are responsible for the choices we make. We know this because we preach it to our kids.

Today, pick one dream, either realistic or NOT. Buy into it, totally and completely. DO not talk yourself out of it and don't share it. Keep it in your heart like a gem that you want to polish before sharing it with your most beloved. Give yourself permission to think about it for a few minutes during your day. Feel the feelings of living that dream. Imagine the people you will be around, see the sky or the rooms. Really let yourself go like you're in sixth grade math class.

Who knows, maybe you will learn something about who you are and who you may become.



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