Yoga lesson for Today

My Yoga teacher was so kind to remind me that I carry the light of Yoga with me. This philosophy is a universal one as is "Do unto Others". The ribbons of universal truth are not exclusive to one religion, one culture, or one time. They are Universal Truths winding and threading their way through our existence. These philosophies are easy platforms to stand on, they are concepts that people can become very comfortable with and sometimes we use them as shields to protect ourselves from the hardships and hard people in our lives. But what does it mean to live these philosophies? How can I really carry the Light of Yoga with me wherever I go?

I think it is impossible to wake up one day and say, "Today, I will use the Golden Rule wherever I go and with everyone I meet!". That is such a tall order no one could possibly start acting and treating others in that fashion immediately and exclusively. Even the Buddha meditated over a long period of time before he achieved Nirvana and Jesus went into the desert for prayer and reflection for forty days and nights. I have not evolved to the point of  these Prophets, but there is holiness in me. My Light is like a lantern and I control how brightly it shines; My teacher reminded me of this truth through her simple statement.

I often meditate on how I can have more kindness in my life. How can I attract people that will be "good" for me? I am really aware of negative energy in other people. I become very sensitive when my friends or family begin to complain excessively about the same things. I don't engage in pity parties and I try not to be reactive when others are rude or belligerent to me. I don't always succeed, I am no Saint.

Today, a co-worker's effort made a customer's life easier and helped them be happy. That is the light of three lanterns that got turned up a little brighter by simply acknowledging the effort. Reading a book that makes me stop and think, that prompts me to share what I've read is a way of turning up the light a little more.

The other side to that is my human ego self that curses at people in traffic. I give the "look of Death" to people who are acting in a racist, belittling, or offensive way towards others. I have all sorts of really negative thoughts about my exes. I hold my family in judgement or I judge myself on their behalf. I act from my ego more often then I believed. This realization has come wrapped as tiny jewels of truth and kindness and will continue to be portioned out for the rest of my life in unexpected ways. This awakening and awareness of my self is a real blessing so I don't feel guilty or angry towards myself. The part of me that needs to take responsibility is motivated to apologize when appropriate and to become more aware to prevent the same behavior.

All the knowledge and wisdom of the ages is handed out in tiny bits and morsels in order for us to receive them and digest the concepts. Our charge is to decide how to exercise these concepts. It is a bit ironic that when people are practicing evolution they tend to take in more and talk less. One sage has said, "He who knows does not not speak and he who speaks does not know". That gets me thinking about parables and quotes, but that may be a blog for another time.

We all have the potential for existential experience and when we are truly moved we want to express and share these shifts with the wider world. Today, I will focus on supporting some one else's light, then my light will automatically be brightened. Imagine if we all focused on the light of others, how bright we would be then......


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