
Showing posts from 2014

Yoga and Crossfit

Many of you may know that I am a Massage Therapist in addition to being a Yoga teacher. I started investing quality time in my Yoga practice after becoming an MT in order to take better care of my body. After a couple of years, I decided to go through the Yoga Teacher Training program at Frog Pond Yoga Centre in Princeton Massachusetts. I wanted to get a deeper understanding of Yoga and how my body can improve in flexibility, range of motion, and maintain strength and endurance. You may be thinking that's what a gym is for, but not for me. I spent many moons in a traditional gym setting with little success. Yoga was an amazing physical experience for me. I felt strong, tall, confident, and healthy. I fell in love with Yoga and it became an amazing emotional and Spiritual experience as well. Now, these many years later I am even more in love with my Yoga practice. My practice has evolved with me and I have discovered so many more reasons to be in love with Yoga today. Yoga can b

Yoga lesson for Today

My Yoga teacher was so kind to remind me that I carry the light of Yoga with me. This philosophy is a universal one as is "Do unto Others". The ribbons of universal truth are not exclusive to one religion, one culture, or one time. They are Universal Truths winding and threading their way through our existence. These philosophies are easy platforms to stand on, they are concepts that people can become very comfortable with and sometimes we use them as shields to protect ourselves from the hardships and hard people in our lives. But what does it mean to live these philosophies? How can I really carry the Light of Yoga with me wherever I go?

Dating the Yogini way

Dating can be tough for everyone. First, you have to decide what you want and that can be tricky territory for the uninitiated. Think about it, how many of us wonder through our lives in and out of relationships that are unfulfilled and shallow. The passionate relationships burn out quickly or may simmer and boil over, but in the end we are left alone and hungry for something undefined. The practice of dating isn't any different for a Yogi. The biggest difference starts with understanding my own desire. 

Yoga SAVED my life...

I grew up a very angry young girl. My family had troubles and some were severe and some were pretty minor. My parents had baggage like all parents and they did their best, or sometimes they didn't, I don't know. I do know I grew up feeling angry all the time. I was aggressive and at times violent; getting into fist fights with my sister and neighborhood kids. I was growing into an angry and confused woman.

For the Love of Karma; The Hard Truth

mandala yoga studio M ost people associate "Karma" with what goes around comes around and when people do "bad" things they will get what's coming to them. This view of Karma has been twisted to suite our view of Universal Justice. The hard truth of Karma is that you are the only one that decides what consequences you get in life. Karmic debt is accrued when we choose actions that have a negative impact on our self or others. We can never escape that Karmic debt and we can not erase it. That sounds a little depressing and you may be asking yourself, If I can't erase my bad Karma what is the point? I have great news for you!