For the Love of Karma; The Hard Truth

mandala yoga studio
Most people associate "Karma" with what goes around comes around and when people do "bad" things they will get what's coming to them. This view of Karma has been twisted to suite our view of Universal Justice. The hard truth of Karma is that you are the only one that decides what consequences you get in life. Karmic debt is accrued when we choose actions that have a negative impact on our self or others. We can never escape that Karmic debt and we can not erase it. That sounds a little depressing and you may be asking yourself, If I can't erase my bad Karma what is the point? I have great news for you!

Karma is not a check list of all the bad choices or the crappy things that you have done or that have happened to you. Karma is about balance. The Universe seeks balance at all times and in all things.

Our bodies are microcosms of the macrocosm. There is more to us than flesh and bones. Our energy body has been established by Science for over one hundred years. Science teaches us that ions, neurons and protons each have a very specific vibration pattern. When we look at our body from this very narrow view and take small but consistent steps back our view expands past tissue, organs, limbs, regions, to the whole human being.

Karma asks us to take another step back and observe how the vibration of our actions affect our known Universe. Don't get carried away, here! I am talking about your personal Universe; Family, friends, kids, co-workers. We can step out far enough to look at how our individual energy signal affects The Universe, but that is for another blog.

You probably want to know how you can find balance for the "bad" Karma you didn't realize you were accumulating. The easy answer is YOGA. Karma and Yoga go together naturally due to the spiritual nature found in both concepts, but the connection goes a little further. There is a Yoga practice called Karma Yoga. This yoga practice focuses on giving selflessly to others. You probably practice Karma Yoga all the time!

Take a DEEP breath and shake off the heavy philosophy of KARMA!!!! It can seem a bit overwhelming. It isn't supposed to complicated and Karma Yoga is not steeped in guilt motivated charity! Here are a few things I see everyday that demonstrate Karma Yoga;

  • Paying for the next person's coffee at the drive through
  • Helping to push a stalled car out of traffic
  • Holding the door open for someone
  • Telling the cashier the person in front of you was "next"
  • Giving the unopened bottle water to someone to water their dog
  • Picking up trash you didn't drop
  • Any Volunteer work
The key with Karma Yoga is there should not be an expectation of reciprocity.

Parents are a great example of people who practice Karma Yoga. Most parents offer guidance, redirection and consequences with the intention of developing kind and well adjusted members of society without the expectation of a return. Parents have to rely on Faith that the choices they make are in the best interest of their children and society.

I have one last example I would like to share. When I think of Karma Yoga my Friend list comes to mind. I have found myself surrounded by people who make selfless giving a regular part of their life and how they interact with others. Their kindness and selflessness reminds me of my own Karma practice. I enjoy just being around them. We talk about nonsense sometimes and at other times we discuss deep political, spiritual, religious, and metaphysical topics. I enjoy my friend's company because they are vibrating at a higher level. The choices they make to be more in balance with their own energy and the energy of the Universe is a powerful force. My energy rises to a point where we are vibrating in harmony when we are together.

Some of these concepts may sound foreign and a bit "out there" but think about people you have met and instantly "clicked" with. You know what I am talking about. We make instant connections with people based on the Universe's desire to always find balance.

As you travel through your day think about selfless love and start by doing one thing with no expectation of a return. Be in harmony, be happy, and be well because Yoga is a Journey not a destination.


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