Helpful tips for beginners

Howdy yogis and yoginis. This post is a list of some helpful tips and reminders I have learned on my journey so far. Many of these items I have experienced as a yoga student and as a teacher. Enjoy.

  1. Show up ~ There are so many things that distract us during the day. The truth is those things will always be there. If you want a yoga practice make it a priority one day at a time. 
  2. I'm too fat/stiff/inexperienced ~ No you are not! Yoga is wonderfully accepting. The only limitations you have are the ones you have placed on your self. If you have medical concerns let the instructor know. There are modifications or alternative poses that can be offered to you.
  3. Ask Questions ~ Most Yoga teachers LOVE to talk about yoga and how your body is responding. If you are unsure of your alignment or if you think you are "doing it wrong", ASK!
  4. Every Pose is NOT your pose ~ Our bodies shift and change daily. You may have slept in a weird position, standing all day, got into an argument with....your body may respond differently to the same pose. Take your time and find the right pose for you.
  5. Your practice is YOUR practice ~ You have made a commitment to yourself and to your practice when you show up for a yoga class. The teacher is inviting you share the same poses with the other attendees. You can still choose which pose works for you. That leads me to my next point,
  6. Rest when you need to rest ~ Always come out of a pose when you're done. If your breath is rattling, or hectic, you are working too hard. 
  7. No Pain, No Gain ~ Is BS in Yoga. Pain is the body's signal that something is going wrong and you should stop what you are doing immediately. Your body knows the difference between work and pain, listen to and respect your body. 
  8. What if you fall down ~ Then you fall down. I was inviting a class into Crow pose, a pose I have been working on for sometime. I was able to lean into my arms, squeezing my core for a split second before I fell forward on my face. There were several great lessons that came out of that for me. Your are usually close enough to the floor it wont hurt, it's more about a bruised ego than a bruised body, and if you take yourself too seriously you may earn a face plant.
  9. Check your ego at the door ~ Yoga is an excellent opportunity to explore where you are in that moment. If you focus on your own practice it allows space for the other people in the room to focus on their practice too.
  10. HAVE FUN ~ Really, just play with it. Try that balance pose, you won't fall over, try jumping forward from Downward Facing Dog to Forward Bend, try the side plank. You can come out of any pose any time you want to. I try to approach my practice with the same abandonment of judgement that small children have when they are playing. Yoga can be your play time too.
Remember, Yoga is a journey not a destination....


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