
Showing posts from December, 2013

Love...for Asana

A sana is the term for the individual poses in a yoga practice. Asana is a Sanscrit word that translates as stillness, seat, and can be translated as pose. Sanscrit is an ancient language used by the educated upper caste of Brahmins in India. Asana is usually the entry point of Yoga for many Westerners. We have an obsession with physical exertion as a goal. Most exercise routines demonstrate a clear distinction between our physical exertion and everything that is going on inside our bodies.

Helpful tips for beginners

Howdy yogis and yoginis. This post is a list of some helpful tips and reminders I have learned on my journey so far. Many of these items I have experienced as a yoga student and as a teacher. Enjoy. Show up ~ There are so many things that distract us during the day. The truth is those things will always be there. If you want a yoga practice make it a priority one day at a time.  I'm too fat/stiff/inexperienced  ~ No you are not! Yoga is wonderfully accepting. The only limitations you have are the ones you have placed on your self. If you have medical concerns let the instructor know. There are modifications or alternative poses that can be offered to you. Ask Questions  ~ Most Yoga teachers LOVE to talk about yoga and how your body is responding. If you are unsure of your alignment or if you think you are "doing it wrong", ASK!

For Love and Yoga

Y oga is a fabulous journey. My yoga journey started with chronic back pain and an endless regimen of exercise tapes, gym memberships, diet pills, and diet programs. You name it and I tried it. Some of these avenues were moderately successful while others were just plain silly.