
Showing posts from October, 2016

Honest Yoga

I talk a lot about life balance and trying to live IN the world without succumbing TO the world. This is such a daunting task. Wouldn’t it be easier if I could just run away and live in a cave and meditate for twenty hours per day? I am not so sure that’s my path and I will tell you why. I don’t want to live in a cave. There are bugs in a cave. I can live without air conditioning but I refuse to be without heat and hot water. Seriously!  I like beer and nachos. I love watching my daughter create art and read to me in bed at night. I really enjoy having sex and I want to have a partner again when the time is right. I am not afraid to swear or smoke a cigarette with said adult beverage. I think animal farming is a travesty to nature and causes more damage and dis-ease than we realize. I think Black Americans have been living at the short end of the stick since the colonization of this country. Our European ancestors waged genocide against the indigenous people of this continent.  Th

I am my own Superhero

“She needed a superhero so she became one”. How do we, as women, in this society become our own superhero? How do we break free from the imagined idea that we need someone, typically a man, to save us? From what or from whom do we need saving? Becoming a superhero to save others sounds very altruistic but I couldn’t begin to think of how to save others because I needed to be saved.  I tried getting my mom, my husband, my friends, my job to save me and that really wasn’t working out the way I had expected. When all those options failed I realized I needed to become my own superhero! AWESOME!!! What now? The first step in change is becoming aware. Awareness is a gift and when you are able to step back, look at the cycle of choice/consequence and measure that against what your ‘ideal’ life looks like, you will notice some disparities. I can’t identify my turning point because I believe it is now irrelevant. I do know I was miserable. I felt empty and deprived. I felt a deep yearnin

Honest Yoga

“She needed a superhero so she became one”.  How do we, as women, in this society become our own superhero? How do we break free from the imagined idea that we need someone, typically a man, to save us? From what or from whom do we need saving? Becoming a superhero to save others sounds very altruistic but I couldn’t begin to think of how to save others because I needed to be saved. I had already tried getting my mom, my husband, my friends, my job to save me and that really wasn’t working out the way I had expected. When all those options failed I realized I needed to become my own superhero! AWESOME!!! What now? The first step in change is becoming aware. Awareness is a gift and when you are able to step back, look at the cycle of choice/consequence and measure that against what your ‘ideal’ life looks like, you will notice some disparities.   I can’t identify my turning point because I believe it is now irrelevant. I do know I was miserable. I felt empty and deprived.